Tamara Schultz

Tamara Schultz's Fundraiser

Join Our Global Celebration of Courage - Hearts are for Caring & Friendship is for Sharing! image

Join Our Global Celebration of Courage - Hearts are for Caring & Friendship is for Sharing!

Let’s Open our Caring Hearts and Share our Friendship around the world!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$20 towards $500

Show your caring heart and share your friendship with Beads of Courage kids around the world - Put your caring heart into action!

Join me in supporting World Beads of Courage Day.

Back in November of 2015, Peighton received her official diagnosis of Oligoarthritis. We've been on this rollercoaster since. We've of course had our up and down but what we enjoy the most is being able to connect with others who are going through this journey with us, like us!
Team Peighton was renamed a few years back when Peighton wanted to pick her own team name around her journey with Arthritis. Her fight is OUR fight! was picked out by Peighton and just fits so well.

Beads of Courage has been a part of our lives for about a year now. Peighton has turned some negative experiences into positive because of it. She "earns" beads for different things around her Arthritis. Shots, blood draw, IV poke, eye appt, eye drop, rheumatology appt, therapy, and more creating a bead of courage chain.

Please consider joining our efforts to help Beads of Courage by making a donation and helping spread awareness for Beads of Courage and their mission "To provide innovative, arts-in-medicine programs for children coping with serious illness, their families, and the clinicians who care for them."