Racquel Bustamante

Racquel Bustamante's Fundraiser

Help me make my miles matter more this summer by helping children coping with serious illness  image

Help me make my miles matter more this summer by helping children coping with serious illness

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$150 towards $100

  • Beads of Courage is an amazing organization that provides beads to children battling serious illnesses, to allow them to tell their story and celebrate every milestone.
  • I took on the Summer Challenge to raise 100 dollars and travel 100 miles by walking, skating, running and hiking for this great organization that I've supported for many years.
  • Help me achieve my goal if you can and help me spread a little joy this summer!
  • Every 25 dollars I raise stocks the bead pharmacy with 700 beads to go out to children.