Adrienne Badough

Adrienne Badough's Fundraiser

Please help support Cameron’s friends that are near and far who are going through challenging times. image

Please help support Cameron’s friends that are near and far who are going through challenging times.

Share the love for Beads of Courage and the encouragement kids and teens need in their fight for life!


$2,870 towards $5,000

Cameron was born with a rare congenital heart defect called Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR) Cammy was diagnosed in utero at around 20 weeks. We were told he’d need the surgery 3-6 months after birth. On January 7th (37weeks pregnant) Cameron was on the way!!
He was born 6.5 pounds, we got to hold our boy for about 5 minutes before they took him away to NICU. That night in the mother baby unit we were having a hard time with Cameron not in the room, and around 3am we were awoken and told Cameron needed the open heart surgery right away.
Seeing Cameron after surgery was heart breaking, along with doctors being quiet because the odds were not in his favor. He was fully sedated for over a week, he had never even got to taste any food or experience a full belly.

But on the 3rd day we noticed a string with about 40 beads, along with his name hanging by his bed. little did we know how long that string would grow and how much it would mean to us.

Our first time seeing his beads:
By the end of week 2 Cammy had lost 1.5lbs. But he started to turn a corner…

by week 3 we were able to hold him for the first time since birth.
By week 4 he got to eat from a bottle and taste milk for the first time.
Week 5 they removed his respiratory support and we got to see his handsome face again.

Week 6 he was transferred to NICU to learn how to eat. And week 7 he was in a stroller on his way home.

Since then, Cameron has had two Cath labs to stretch his pulmonary veins and is soon to have another open heart corrective procedure in June.
Cameron is now 4 months old, 10.5lbs, and 24” long.

He has almost 500 beads on his string, a string that spans 17 feet long. With every visit to the hospital we bring our own suction hooks just so we can proudly display his journey for everyone to see on his hospital door. These beads are so much more than colored glass. They are a visual representation of everything our son has been through. Not a day or moment he has been through that will ever be forgotten.

He is fighting every day, but he is not alone. Please help donate to this amazing organization that kept our hopes high through every step of his treatment. We stay Cameron Strong, our little Superman.

6/18/2024 UPDATE

Cameron is headed back to the OR tomorrow for another open heart surgery! We thank everyone for your continued support on Cameron’s journey. We will see y’all again soon!

Beads Connect Us. Love Unites Us! Thank you for sharing your love for Beads of Courage and the kids and teens they support!

Each year, Beads of Courage helps tens of thousands of children cope with cancer and other serious illnesses around the world. Meet Anderson and learn why your support matters! Beads of Courage and I thank you for your support.

Beads given at the bedside are spirit-lifting, which can be lifesaving in the moment. If you #lovebeadsofcourage, let's help them reach more courageous kids with your tax-deductible donation today!

Thank you for helping me meet my fundraising goal for Beads of Courage!