Debra (Be) Becker

Debra (Be) Becker's Fundraiser

#beadsmakeitbetter image


Join me and help make a difference

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$250 towards $250

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Beads of Courage

  • I’ve been involved with Beads of Courage since 2014 by making glass beads for the kids. Doing this for the kids is such an honor and I enjoy making each bead.
  • This is my first year participating in BOC’s Summer Challenge. I will be walking and in addition to raising money for BOC, I’ve set a goal to make & send in 500 beads by Sept 22nd. (Update: instead of 500, 700 pac-man beads were made 🐯
  • Also have I've set up an album to raise funds on my fb bead page, "Deb's Glass World". Look for 'Raising Funds for BOC's Summer Challenge'

Together, we can encourage children coping with serious illness with every step, stride, hill climb, paddle, and lap we swim!

Thank you for your donations!