James Erwin's Fundraiser

Beads of Courage
Join me and help make a difference - please give today.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
I have been passionate about helping kids and adults affected by sudden illness for over 20 years. However, more recently, a close fiend lost his granddaughter to unexpected childhood illness after a several year fight. Organizations such as Beads of Courage were a bright spot for the family during their time of need.
Patients are given beads for various events throughout their treatment journey for example, for infusions, surgeries, examinations, and other important milestones
Please help support these families in their time of need.
FYI, I have been carrying the beads in training and will carry them during my Ironman in 9/17/22 in Cervia, Italy!