Sarah Ferguson

Sarah Ferguson's Fundraiser

Help me make my miles matter more this summer by helping children and teens coping with serious illness image

Help me make my miles matter more this summer by helping children and teens coping with serious illness

Join me and help make a difference - please give today for Beads of Courage

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$10 towards $200

I’m a Beads of Courage member and it has transformed my treatment journey. For us, we receive a bead for every poke, mri, travel for treatment, physical therapy, blood product, new medication, hair loss and growth, special achievement, and acts of courage that are special handmade beads that can be beautiful or cute and mean the world to us. These beads are given to honor courage as we go through every aspect of treatment. Please help me give back to an organization that means the world to me and thousands of other kids and their families

Together, we can encourage children coping with serious illness with every step, stride, hill climb, and every lap we swim! I’m completing 100 miles this summer in support of other children and teens coping with serious illnesses in the program.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Beads of Courage. Thank you so much for you support of this amazing program!